
 So after my hysterectomy was done and a big bleed when i was able to start walking a little outside i did do a little everyday and when i was a lot better to play in the garden with my children when at the time they was 12 and 8 and on this particular day it was really sunny and quiet warm outside i was in the garden and my fiance was there too i was standing still then moved my feet a little and my legs give way and lost balance and couldn’t save myself and fell on my backside the first thing i did was laugh as my children looked really worried and asked if i was ok so i said he’s im fine but deep down i was so worried and it happened a couple more times after that and so i spoke with my fiance to say something is wrong as i had that gut feeling for a while as i was getting pins and needles still as it was one of my first symptoms and slight numbness in my right hand.

So my first symptom that i started getting was pins and needles back in 2014/2015 but didn't think much of it and left it and really bad headaches so in 2015 i went to my doctor to speak about it as it was waking me up in the middle of the night and and annoying me and he said i have to see a specialist for carpal tunnel so went to have the tests done and he confirmed it was carpal tunnel and that i have to see the surgeon to have the small operation on my wrist and so all of this happened towards the end of 2015 and got a quick appointment for the operation after all the appointments in 2016 it all happened really quickly considering and once i had the operation done the specialist said i was young and caught it in time and should get full feeling back but when i came round my hand was throbbing and pins and needles were worse than ever it was horrible. My hand was bandaged up and had to go back after 6 weeks couldn’t clean so that was a bonus haha.  But couldn’t go back to work as my health wasn't right so the doctor signed me off every month as my symptoms worsened with weakness, pain, migraines, pins and needles even in my right leg and foot also lots of neck pain and had to be signed more as the big bleed i had. I wasn't even able to just simple cleaning as my body hurt so much and the fatigue was so bad it was difficult as im a very active person and always done sport and exercise but couldn’t do anything only walk a little from time to time.

I also had very bad stomach issues and that was horrible and i had to urinate more often so broken sleep at night done many urine tests and it always come back that my white globule cells are high and so my doctor sent me to a neurologist to see what it could be and do further investigation as to what it is.
