So after my hysterectomy was done and a big bleed when i was able to start walking a little outside i did do a little everyday and when i was a lot better to play in the garden with my children when at the time they was 12 and 8 and on this particular day it was really sunny and quiet warm outside i was in the garden and my fiance was there too i was standing still then moved my feet a little and my legs give way and lost balance and couldn’t save myself and fell on my backside the first thing i did was laugh as my children looked really worried and asked if i was ok so i said he’s im fine but deep down i was so worried and it happened a couple more times after that and so i spoke with my fiance to say something is wrong as i had that gut feeling for a while as i was getting pins and needles still as it was one of my first symptoms and slight numbness in my right hand. So my first symptom that i started getting was pins and needles back in 2014/2015 but didn't think much of it and...